I, the undersigned parent or guardian, do hereby authorize Ricky Taylor Basketball LLC to secure any and all medical treatment in the event that I cannot be contacted. I further authorize any attending physician to render any and all medical care which he/she may deem necessary. It is understood that, in any event, an attempt will be made to contact the person before such treatment is started. I, the undersigned parent or guardian, also certify that my child is physically fit to participate in the Ricky Taylor Basketball program and all basketball related activities such as strength, speed, and agilities.
I release Ricky Taylor Basketball LLC, and all their affiliated entities from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action for personal injury or loss suffered by my child in connection with participation in the program. I also agree and understand that there is a NO REFUND policy for payments made to Ricky Taylor Basketball. In the event COVID-19 causes cancellation of the whole season, I understand that I am entitled to a receive a refund that would be pro rated by the number of practices, games, and tournaments that my child has participated in.
I also understand that while I am participating in the basketball program, I will be careful of storing any personal property in a locker room contained in the premises. I agree to take all steps necessary to secure the safety of any such property such as, but not limited to, purchasing a lock at my own expense. I also understand that I should only store in a locker the types of property necessary to participate in the program. I fully waive all claims of liability of whatever sort for all lost, damaged, or destroyed property of whatever kind that I may bring while participating in the basketball program.